Change that leads to better lives

Mental Health Personal Health Budgets - Evaluation Findings

NDTi’s evaluation findings are presented in three linked reports, to be read as a set or standalone reports.

Meantal Health Personal Health Budgets 01

NDTi were commissioned in late 2018 to undertake a qualitative evaluation of personal health budgets for mental health focussed in two areas that had recently launched this new offer: Birmingham & Solihull Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and City & Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). These two sites have high levels of multiple deprivation and a high prevalence of severe mental ill health, but they differ in size, approach and focus for their PHB offer. They also operate different processes and systems for implementation.

Report 1: A summary of findings from personal health budget holders and staff highlighting key findings and learning across these two sites.
Report 2:
Findings from interviews with personal health budget holders at each site.
Report 3:
Findings from visits and interviews with staff and partners at each site.

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