Change that leads to better lives

Virtual Inset Training

NDTi’s Children & Young People team has been working with the Whole School SEND consortium to deliver much-needed transition training for school staff and advisors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whole School SEND brings together schools and colleges, organisations and individuals who are committed to ensuring that every child and young person with SEND can maximise their potential.

COVID-19 increased the risk of poorer transitions for year 11 pupils with SEND in mainstream settings; many in-school opportunities and the work of education and training providers and employers were disrupted, increasing the risk of these pupils becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training).

In June and July 2020, NDTi delivered six virtual inset half-days for school staff and careers advisors. The training focused on securing and locking in transitions for year 11 pupils with SEND, and how to follow up and continue support pupils who have just left school and are taking their next steps.

Feedback from the virtual inset half-days was overwhelmingly positive and many found the online sessions to be more accessible.

“As someone who has to take over line management of careers education and SEND, this inset was invaluable. The facilitators are individuals at the top of their game, who could speak with assurance (and very personably!) and depth about securing post-16 outcomes. They made me realise what is not being done locally and what I need to do to change this state of affairs. As I say, invaluable.” - Careers Manager

“Great session - helpful, informative and interesting.”

“I thought the training was excellent and really relevant.”

“Thank you for taking the time and presenting the information, it will come in very useful and hopefully make a difference to pupils within my school.”

“Fantastic presentation!”

Learning outcomes included:

  • Gaining confidence in supporting students to secure successful transitions to post 16 education, training, and employment
  • Greater awareness of the practical measures taking place to support year 11 transition during the pandemic
  • Exploring what needs to be in place to secure successful transitions in the longer term and how to embed this is school based processes, working in partnership with the local authority, local health services, and families
  • Deeper knowledge about the Preparing for Adulthood pathways, particularly pathways to employment
  • Deeper understanding of the Preparing for Adulthood outcomes, as identified in the Code of Practice 2015
  • Refreshed knowledge of the Preparing for Adulthood pathways: employment; friends, relationships, and community; good health; and independent living
  • Exploration of creative approaches to virtual planning and reviews to ensure stronger relationships with Post 16 providers and other relevant partners

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