Change that leads to better lives

Coproduction case studies

The following set of case studies illustrate a range of ways in which Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) or Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) have worked together with local people with a range of lived experience, and with the local voluntary sector.

Coproduction case studies web page 01

People with lived experience and the voluntary sector have a vital contribution to make in supporting the NHS both nationally and locally. To enable this, ICBs are expected to have developed a formal agreement for engaging and embedding the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in system-level governance and decision-making arrangements (NHS England, September 2021).

As part of the work of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, the Experience of Care Subgroup has explored good practice and learning about how these recently formed strategic health and social care systems can ensure that they listen to and include their local populations, and link with voluntary and community organisations. In gathering people to share their experiences, and also putting out a call for stories and examples, we have found a breadth and depth of ways that this collaborative working can take place, to the benefit of the place and its people.

The examples range from engagement and listening to specific groups of people, through to large projects creating coproduction approaches for a whole area. Each one shares some key learning, useful for any area wanting to dip their toes in the water of local coproduction in health and social care.

These case studies have been gathered and edited by NDTi, as part of the Valuing People Alliance (which is part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance), along with other Health and Wellbeing Alliance members:

  • Race Equality Foundation,
  • Carers Trust,
  • The Mental Health Alliance
  • Age UK

We hope that these will be the start of a bank of stories, and you are welcome to submit your story in the template below.

Submit your story by using this template and email the document to

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