Our Approach to Change and Development
Positive change that results in better lives for people does not just happen. It can be complex and it will usually takes time and commitment if the desired outcomes are to be achieved.
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Positive change that results in better lives for people does not just happen. It can be complex and it will usually takes time and commitment if the desired outcomes are to be achieved.
Our Advocacy and Voice activities ensures that the voices of disabled and older people are central to decision making about the support they receive to live inclusive lives....
Our work is led and shaped by Autistic Experts and Associates lived and professional experience of neurodiversity which is still very much misunderstood in health, social care and education settings.
Our Children and Young People’s programme has been designed to ensure that children, young people and families who are most at risk of exclusion have more choice and control over their lives, are included in their local communities and achieve better outcomes.
Internships Work is a partnership between NDTi, BASE and DFN Project SEARCH to enable 4500 young people with additional needs gain a supported internship each year by 2025.
For the last ten years the NDTi has been working alongside and learning with statutory, voluntary and private agencies who are seeking to achieve community inclusion
We've helped over 35 local areas across England, Wales and Scotland transform how they deliver adult social care. It's a different way of working which maximises the strengths and community connections of people locally.
Coproduction is about people, communities and services/organisations working together to create opportunities and solve problems.
The 2014 Care Act is clear about the requirement for commissioners to support disabled people to gain and retain work.
Our work in the Equal Lives Programme of work promotes equal life opportunities for everybody in our communities, across all ages. Our projects include health equalities, access to housing and independence at home, paid work opportunities and community inclusion.
Having as good a health as possible is an important starting point for people living good lives in their communities.
The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) has a vision of a society where all people, regardless of age or disability, are valued and able to live the life they choose
Leadership development for public sector, community and provider organisations, and their established and aspiring leaders.
NDTi has been at the forefront of the progressive learning disabilities agenda for 35 years.
Everyone’s experience of mental health problems is different and services need to be person-focused rather than process-driven
In our work with people who commission, provide, fund and use day time services it is clear that they face common and growing core pressures.
We believe that there is a need to encourage and grow community based, high quality, person centered and value for money small providers to add to the choices available.
We receive a lot of positive feedback from the people we work with. Below is a selection of comments we have received....
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