Change that leads to better lives

Timebanking UK, Partner organisation

Timebanking UK

Timebanking UK is a national charity and the only membership organisation in the country to offer support and resources to community time banks providing inspiration, guidance and practical help.

Their mission is to ensure the contribution of all is valued equally giving people access to a wealth of resources from private, public and community sectors. Timebanking is a key mechanism to bring about change in public services at community level and between organisations.

Timebanking links people to share their time and skills. Everyone’s time is equal: one hour of help earns one time credit to spend when you need it. We operate with an asset-based philosophy that everyone has something to give to help another regardless of age, ability or background. Redefining work and creating support networks empowers those who have been defined as service users making them decision makers.

Timebanking UK work with community groups, time banks and community organisations to promote and support co-production and the development of timebanking.

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