Understanding the Supported Internships Quality Assurance Framework (SIQAF)
What young people and their families need to know about the SIQAF.
What young people and their families need to know about the SIQAF.
What young people and their families need to know about their local authority's role in supported internships.
Blog created for Learning Disability Week 2023.
Blog created for Learning Disability Week 2023.
Blog created for Learning Disability Week 2023.
Resources and recordings from the Spotlight on Supported Internships event that took place on 18th May 2023.
A short guide and infographic about how to plan and fund Supported Internships.
An action plan template and video guide for Local Authorities to use as part of the Internships Work programme.
Information for Local Authorities receiving the Supported Internship (SI) grant award as part of the Internships Work programme.
An analysis report of the Baseline Survey which was was submitted by all 152 Local Authorities in England as a requirement of reviewing their Supported Internship Grant Award.
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