Change that leads to better lives

SEND Leadership Reflection Tool

The tool describes a set of four themes where effective leadership could and should be having an identifiable impact.

SEND Leadership Reflection Tool 3

Within each theme, it describes the questions that people could/should ask themselves about leadership impact – with illustrations of the types of things that people might be able to see or identify as evidence that effective leadership is in place.

Our hope is that this will be used in two ways:

  1. By leaders across all organisations to reflect on their own leadership capabilities, capacities and behaviours as well as reflecting about the effectiveness of leadership across the wider 0-25 SEND 'sector' within their local area.
  2. By those who are charged with reviewing progress of the SEND reforms (from Ofsted and CQC through to elected Members in local authorities) as a framework for asking and evidencing whether effective leadership is in place and driving positive change for children, young people and families.

Download the SEND Leadership Reflection Tool Here

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