Change that leads to better lives

Sexuality and Relationships- My Rights Charter

The charter draws on the findings from two research projects. The first carried out by the Tizard Centre and the second by NDTi and My Life My Choice.

Both show how important having a relationship is and the barriers that people with learning disabilities continue to face.

Rights Charter Final 1

Research findings have been shared at events as well as Supported Loving network meetings to ensure that the voices of people with learning disabilities were heard and included within the charter. My Life My Choice were also fundamental to its development, providing expert advice on its accessibility and content.

What next?

Together with our partners, we are calling on all organisations providing support to people with learning disabilities to share the charter widely and to pledge to uphold and respect the rights of people they support around their sexuality and relationships.

We want the charter to be used in several ways, to:

  • Start having conversations with the people you support to help them understand their rights.
  • Start conversations about how people might want to learn or get information about sex or relationships.
  • Help people think about their relationships and how they could develop more meaningful relationships and friendships.
  • Ask organisations to review how they support people's sexuality and relationships. Are human rights always upheld and respected?
  • Ask how can we support people to have more meaningful relationships or friendships?
  • Question whether other professionals are acting lawfully, or do they need to be challenged? Remember best interests’ decisions surrounding sex need to be referred to the Court of Protection. No one else has the authority to take these decisions.

Download the Sexuality and Relationships- My Rights Charter

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