Change that leads to better lives

Routes into Work Guide

This guide provides information about options for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to help them move into paid employment.

Routes into work

What is this guide about?

This guide provides information about options for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to help them move into paid employment.

If I have SEND, is it realistic to think about paid work? Absolutely. With the right opportunities, preparation and support, nearly all young people with SEND can move into employment. Paid work is good for us. It can give us financial independence, friends, and it’s good for our physical and mental health. That means that all young people with SEND, and the adults who support them – including parents, teachers and tutors – need to know what choices are available. They should be thinking about the best way to prepare for paid work, based on young people’s career hopes and qualifications.

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Useful Info

This resource was created by the National Development Team for Inclusion as part of our delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme, which was funded by the Department of Education to support the SEND reforms.

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