Change that leads to better lives

Report: Valuing Community Led Support

Report about the economic case for strengths based Community Led Support. Over a period of eight years, NDTi has collected a growing body of evidence that shows the value of Community Led Support.

Community connected image

Community Led Support (CLS) is based on a set of values and principles that are based on the simple ambition to ‘do the right thing’ for those of us who need support at any time in our lives to live well, as independently as possible with purpose and connection. Despite the enormity of the pressures on the social care and health system in recent years, we know, from our experience of working with over 30 areas across the UK implementing this change, that by working differently there is much that can be done to improve both the experience and outcomes for people, as well as alleviate some of the pressures on services.

Getting it right for people is paramount but this has an economic value too. Our report, Valuing Community Led Support takes data from the past four years, building on and evidencing our previous learning. It aims to contribute to a ‘business case’ for doing ‘the right thing’, to strengthen the case for a values led approach, something we believe is at risk of being side-lined in a climate of cuts and adverse approaches to ‘demand management’ and savings targets.

Read the Valuing Community Led Support report, published February 2023.

Hear more about the report and how we used data to understand impact. Here's a recording of our webinar held on Thursday 2 March 2023 (Length 42 mins).

  • Previous evidence and learning about Community Led Support

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