Change that leads to better lives

Finding out about Virtual Wards

Website virtual wards

We want to understand and see the right kinds of reasonable adjustments built into virtual wards.

We want to learn more about the experiences or awareness of people with learning disabilities, or autistic people have about Virtual Wards.

We want to find out how virtual wards work for people who share their accommodation with others, for example in supported living.

We also want to find out how virtual wards will impact people living on their own or with family members

We have had responses from surveys and spoken to people in focus groups. We will write up our findings in a short guide, so people with a learning disability or autistic people can be better supported at home by health professionals, carers, loved ones or family members in a Virtual Ward.

Virtual wards are sometimes called Hospital at home.

Virtual wards mean you stay at home instead of going to the hospital if you are very ill, so you get the healthcare you need at home instead of in a hospital.

This work is being done by people from the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi). We are part of The Valuing People Alliance, which consists of 7 organisations:

Valuing people alliance logos

Image: Valuing people alliance logos including:

The British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

Learning Disability England

Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG)

Foundation for People with learning disabilities



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