Seeing a person in all their wonderfulness
Nic Crosby and Amanda Nally explore the need for services to challenge themselves. Are they truly person-centred, or, is it just nice words that hide reality?
Nic Crosby and Amanda Nally explore the need for services to challenge themselves. Are they truly person-centred, or, is it just nice words that hide reality?
Research manager Dr Vicky Mason-Angelow shares initial insights from research about people on the edge of services. Please get in touch if you want to share your story.
Paul from My Life My Choice shares his experiences of being part of a number of different communities and the positive impacts of making a difference to other people's lives.
an inclusive education for children and young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD)
keeping communities connected and engaged in the Sport for Good initiative.
Thoughts from Charlotte Ramsden, president of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS), Strategic Director for People in Salford City Council...
Learning from the Rural Wisdom project - Highlights from 2 interviews with members of the project team from Outside the Box in Scotland, Volunteering Matters in in Wales and NDTi's evaluation team member Vicky.
What does it take to be a leader for social inclusion in our communities and public systems? In this episode, we talk with Jacqui Sjenitzer, Julie Pointer and Raj Singh about their experiences of leadership, particularly trust, courage and collaboration and how that can contribute to social inclusion.
Ryan's Story: A life beyond day activities. Ryan shares some insights into his life and how he keeps active in the community with work and his social life.
Tom share’s his thoughts on what an included life looks like for him as a young autistic person living in Dorset.
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