Change that leads to better lives

Strengthening the Circle: Introductory Webinar

Wednesday 28 April, 09:30-10:30am

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If you are interested in how Strengthening the Circle could be delivered in your area or setting, then please sign up to join this introductory webinar to find out more, meet the trainers and to ask questions about the programme.

What is Strengthening the Circle?

Originally developed and evaluated with support from Health Education England, this online programme is designed to strengthen the skills and confidence of multi-agency non-specialist staff who have a role to play in recovery from COVID19, building the resilience and mental health of children and young people across the nation following the pandemic.

What does the course look like?

Delivered through 5 training sessions the programme is tailored to meet local need and has unique features including:

  • pre-course liaison with commissioners to align content alongside local mental health strategies and initiatives;
  • coproduction with young people in the local area to help with the design of the course and to ensure their views are represented throughout the training;
  • accessible and practical person centred tools and resources to use with children and young people of all ages, and their families and staff in the local area;
  • individual tutor time for all participants supporting reflective practice and implementation of tools and strategies in their work;
  • development of an online community of practice supporting resilience of children, young people and families in the area.

Please complete this sign up form to attend this introductory webinar.

Contact Details

Alice McColl

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