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Understanding the Supported Internships Quality Assurance Framework (SIQAF)

The SIQAF is a framework designed to guarantee the quality and excellence of Supported Internship (SI). This page tells you what young people and their families need to know about it.

Cover image alt-text: Internships Work black logo on a white background, with white text ‘The Supported Internships Quality Assurance Framework (SIQAF), Guidance For Young People & Their Families’ on dark blue background.

A crucial element of the Internships Work programme is to ensure that young people that will engage in supported internships will receive the best possible opportunities for growth and success. 

That's where the Supported Internships Quality Assurance Framework (SIQAF) comes into play. This framework is designed to guarantee the quality and excellence of the Supported Internship (SI) programmes your young person may be a part of. Here's what you need to know: 

What is the SIQAF?

The SIQAF, or Supported Internships Quality Assurance Framework, is like a set of guidelines and checks that help ensure that Supported Internship programmes are of the highest quality. Think of it as a seal of approval that says, "This programme is designed to help young people succeed." 

Why Does It Matter to You?

As a parent or young person, you want to know that the Supported Internship programme you're considering is a safe and valuable experience. The SIQAF plays a crucial role in making sure of that: 

  • Quality Assurance:
    The SIQAF helps make sure that the programme is well-organised and provides you with the right support. It's like having a set of standards to ensure everything runs smoothly. 
  • Improvement:
    The framework encourages programmes to keep getting better. It's not just about where they are now; it's about always trying to make things even more helpful and effective for young people. 
  • Safety:
    You can feel confident knowing that the programme you are a part of is regularly checked to make sure it's safe and beneficial. 

How Does It Work?

The SIQAF involves checking different parts of the Supported Internship programme to make sure they're doing a great job. This includes looking at how the programme is led, how it's planned, and how well everyone involved is prepared to support young people. The SIQAF also checks on the progress young people are making and the results they're achieving. 

What Does It Mean for You?

When you hear that a Supported Internship programme follows the SIQAF, it's a good sign. It means that the programme is committed to providing the best experience possible for you as a supported intern. It's like a stamp of approval that says, "This is a quality programme, and you are in safe hands." 

Your Peace of Mind

We know that as a parent or young person, you want the best. The SIQAF is here to help you feel confident that the Supported Internship programme you choose is top-notch and dedicated to your success. It's all about making sure young people like you have the best opportunities to grow, learn, and succeed. 

By participating in a programme that follows the SIQAF, you're taking a step toward a brighter future. You can be proud of your decision to be a part of a Supported Internship programme that is committed to excellence.

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