Change that leads to better lives

Hospital Staff and Learning Disability Awareness Training - findings from hospital interviews

HEE hospital interviews final 01

The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) was commissioned in 2019 by the South Regional Health Education England Intellectual Disabilities programme to find and share best practice in training people who work in NHS Trusts to support people with learning disabilities. The aim is to support staff development to help them achieve better outcomes when they are working with people with learning disabilities. Further information about the project can be found here.

In March 2020 the NDTi research team had planned hospital visits to interview a range of staff, to collect information and to identify examples of good training. These face-to-face interviews were delayed, then cancelled due to COVID-19. Instead, hospital staff were offered online interviews via Zoom or Teams. This report presents the findings of these interviews with hospital staff in the South of England region conducted between October 2020 – April 2021.

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