Change that leads to better lives

The Health Equality Framework - practical implementation workshops

The Health Equality Framework (HEF) is) a freely available outcomes-based tool to help commissioners, providers, people with learning disabilities and their families understand the impact and effectiveness of health and social care services.

The tool, which supports local authorities with their duty to promote wellbeing under the Care Act 2014, can be implemented across health and social care. It was developed by UK Learning Disability Consultant Nurse Network and is endorsed by the National Valuing Families Forum, referenced in NHS England and Department of Health reports and in the Joint Self-Assessment Framework. NDTi is offering a practical workshop for staff introducing the concepts, tools and e-HEF to support effective implementation locally. The workshop is designed for practitioners and professionals who will be using the HEF, managers and commissioners. It is recommended that representatives from departments such as IT, audit, public health and quality assurance are also trained.

Participant feedback

"This has been essential to introduce a service wide outcome measurement tool which was lacking within the county."
"Very informative – this is a tool that is very much welcomed by our service"
"I now understand what HEF is and its purpose. Lots of information that put everything in context."
"Valuable learning session with much to reflect on and discuss with colleagues…"

Contact Sue Turner to arrange your workshop.

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Contact Details

Madeline Cooper

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