Change that leads to better lives

Community Inclusion Mentors

Most care/support services, local authorities, health bodies and community agencies aim to promote meaningful community inclusion by all people. However, for many disabled and older people and their families this remains a distant aspiration. Statements of intent, one-off training days and stories provide inspiration and challenge, but too often little real change occurs in the way that staff work – and as a result in the lives of people they support.

The Community Inclusion Mentors programme involves working with organisations to identify, develop and support a team of Community Inclusion Mentors. This team will involve people in a range of roles, who have the potential to support people to really become more included in their communities, and inspire others in the organisation to work in more ‘community inclusive’ ways.

Our programme draws together over 10 years of NDTi experience in community inclusion, staff training and support, and achieving system change. The programme aims to roll out, embed and support within social care providers and community agencies best practice in delivering community inclusion outcomes.

This encompasses:

  • how and why people can be involved in their communities
  • understanding the tools for supporting inclusion
  • understanding friendship
  • how services can best use their time and energy
  • how to find and build opportunities within any community

The programme will be of interest to:

  • Local authorities
  • Health agencies
  • Services providers for all sectors
  • Community organisations
  • Organisations supporting:
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with mental health conditions
  • Older people
  • Children, young people and their families

The development training includes:

  • The Inclusion Web
  • Asset Based Community Development
  • Present and Participating in communities
  • Community mapping
  • Circles of Support
  • Engaging with community organisations and leaders
  • Individual support planning
  • Mentoring practice and skills
  • Practice support
  • Embedding best practice in teams and across whole organisations.

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