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Factsheet: Flu vaccinations for people with learning disabilities

This document is for health and social care professionals to use to encourage uptake of the free flu vaccination that people with learning disabilities are entitled to.

There is a legal obligation to put reasonable adjustments in place to ensure equal access to healthcare services for people with disabilities. This means that services should be making changes that help people with learning disabilities have a flu vaccination. These might be changes at a service level, for example sending out an easy-read leaflet about why it is important to have a flu vaccination. It might be changes at an individual level, for example offering a home visit to someone who finds attending the GP surgery difficult. All organisations that provide NHS or adult social care must now follow the accessible information standard by lawc . The standard aims to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss are provided with information that they can easily read or understand with support so they can communicate effectively with health and social care services.

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