Change that leads to better lives

Time to connect

Over the last three years we worked in partnership with Timebanking UK on a project focusing on improving the community connections of people living in care settings. The project was funded by Big Lottery.

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As part of our Community Inclusion work, we explored the approaches and tools that can ensure older people and people with learning disabilities can be connected and contribute to their local communities.

Over the course of the project we worked in six localities around England, in collaboration with support providers and timebanks. During that time, over 300 staff and managers across 9 different provider organisations, developed their skills in community connecting, and many people they supported found numerous ways to be part of their own communities. For some this was about finding their place in local community groups, volunteering, faith or the arts, or contributing to others through their local timebank. For some this involved inviting community into them, using their assets of space or places to meet, and setting up inclusive social groups based on similar aims and interests.

The project allowed staff and providers to explore some of the challenges faced by care and support providers and in collaboration with many of them we developed guidance around people’s rights, risk management and specific issues- lead off to page on resources.

Our project was evaluated and found that the work had positive impact on people using services, the staff themselves, the organisations and the community groups and facilities that people came into contact with.

Time to Connect and community inclusion is an ongoing mission of NDTi, with work continuing in various projects now

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