Change that leads to better lives

SEND Leadership 2020-2021 Evaluation

An evaluation of the SEND Leadership Programme, which aims to provide an independent assessment of the effectiveness of the programme against its stated objectives.

Download the report here

Send Leadership Evaluation 01 01

Findings conclude the following:

It is clear that the SEND Leadership Programme continues to be hugely valued by those who participate. It has an impact on the knowledge, confidence and leadership skills of participants, with some individuals finding it transformative. Individuals are applying what they learn back at work and the indications are that this is generating change in their organisations and areas in the delivery of the SEND reforms.

It is evident from this evaluation and previous ones, that there are some elements that are key to making this a successful Programme: a combination of leadership theory applied to the SEND context; excellent facilitators; high quality speakers and sessions; and coaching or mentoring support. These should be continued. Attending with a colleague, having an opportunity to network and having time out from the normal job are key to supporting people to get the most out of the Programme. As different formats are considered for future delivery, it will be important to ensure these are able to continue.

The learning from online delivery has revealed some benefits of delivering remotely, and produced learning about which elements worked. It has also emphasised that there are some fundamental elements missing and opportunities missed through not having any faceto-face time. Feedback from participants and delivery leads supports the idea of a blended approach to get the best out of both modes of delivery.

While the areas for development that participants suggested could be considered by those planning the Programme for future years, one key element that stands out is the need for greater diversity among those delivering and presenting in terms of ethnicity, class etc. and also in experiences.

"The mentoring sessions have been
AMAZING for me...The mentoring alongside the other learning
has allowed me to develop my knowledge
and put that into practice and be called
on to do the action."

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